This Glossary is provided to users of the website as a guide to terms and information they may find helpful.
24-Hour Assistance Services
These services offer on-the-spot and immediate assistance for unexpected problems that can arise during your trip. The hotline operates 24/7 for help anytime, any place while traveling.
Origin: CSA Travel Protection
Absentee Vacation Rental Manager
Company posing as vacation rental managers who does not actually reside in the geographic area. Actually only a booking agent, who sub contracts to freelance housekeepers. Being absent imposes unnecessary risk on property owners and guests.
See also: Property Manager, Vacation Rental Manager Origin: Vacation Rental Association
A sudden, unexpected, unintended and external event, which causes Injury.
See also: Travel Insurance, Vacation Rental Insurance Origin: CSA Travel Insurance
Accident & Sickness Medical Expense
If you become sick or are accidentally injured while on your trip, we will pay for necessary emergency medical, surgical, and dental care costs. This coverage is excess over any other health, medical, dental, or accident insurance coverage you may have available to you.
Origin: CSA Travel Protection
Advance Lodging Reservation
A Booking for a set period of time in the future such as renting a lodging property for a week or weekend. Advance Lodging Reservations require the owner or manager to keep the property available for the guest's exclusive use on the dates booked. In return, Advance Lodging Reservations are only cancelable in accordance with the owner or manager's terms and conditions.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Advance Payment
Payment by the renter to the owner equaling a portion of the total rental amount. The advance payment is applied to the total rent cost.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
After Hours
Managers and Owners provide service during long hours, but most are not open 24 hours a day. Calls, assistance and other services provided outside of normal business hours are referred to as after hours.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
After Hours Fees
Charges to Guests or Owners for services provided after hours. Essential services such as loss of water, power or heat are usually provided free of charge. After hours calls for non-essential services usually bear a fee.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
AHMA - American Hotel & Motel Association
A trade association that offers benefits and services to hospitality properties and suppliers. It propose legislation affecting hotels, sponsors seminars and group study programs, conducts research, and publishes Lodging magazine.
Origin: Link:
Air Flight Accident
Provides coverage for loss of life or limbs in the event of an accident while traveling as a ticketed passenger on a certified passenger aircraft provided by a regularly scheduled airline.
Origin: CSA Travel Protection
The features and benefits associated with a property such as furniture, equipment, furnishings, resort privileges and so forth. Amenities widely between types of accommodations such as hotels, motels, cabins, bed and breakfasts; and also between one unit and another.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Amenity Fee
A certain amount paid to an owner or property complex above and beyond the rental rate that allows the renter access to certain amenities (golf, tennis, beach chairs etc.)
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Arrival Date
The date at which a guest arrives or is allowed to arrive and use a property. In lodging this also usually includes a time before which the guest is not allowed access.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Attendance Building
Marketing and promotional programs designed to increase attendance at conventions, trade shows, meetings, and events.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
General all-inclusive term travel industry marketers use to refer to products that have visitor appeal, like museums, historic sites, performing arts institutions, preservation districts, theme parks, entertainment and national sites.
Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Availability Calendar
An online calendar which can be updated to allow renters see the dates open for a certain property (Room, Suite or Home).
See also: Common Calendar Origin: Vacation Rental Association
Back to Back
When one booking immediately follows another booking without a day between them, that is referred to as a back to back. In that case, cleaning must be done between when one guest checks out and the next checks in.
Origin: Redstone Systems
Baggage and Personal Effects
Luggage, personal possessions and travel documents taken by you on the Covered Trip. Coverage provided for loss, theft, or damage to baggage and personal effects.
Origin: CSA Travel Protection
Baggage Delay
Baggage that is delayed for 24 hours or more is considered delayed. Most Travel insurance carriers reimburses for the cost of reasonable additional clothing and personal articles purchased by the travel if baggage is not received within 24 hours of arrival. Some airlines will reimburse passengers for toiletries, clothing, and other essentials if the arrival airport is away from the passenger's home area. Most airlines will deliver delayed baggage to the passengers home or hotel for no charge
See also: Travel Insurance, Vacation Rental Insurance Origin: CSA Travel Insurance
Beach Front Accommodations
Buildings or rooms and living units in a building which is along side a body of water and generally with a reasonably level geographically between the building and the water. Generally means there are no other buildings between the building and the water. Is more specific than Ocean Front Accommodations which may not be on a beach.
See also: Ocean Front Accommodations Origin: Vacation Rental Association